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Tittle-Tattle Town Mar. 3, 2019 in Games, Rules, Text

Tittle-Tattle Town is a game where players travel around a small game board graph, and gossip about other players. Each player has a small deck of identically-backed cards, one for each player, and a crib sheet. Start on your starting tile, and collect two gossip tokens.

On your turn, roll the dice, and move up to that many spaces. If you can move you must move. If you land on an occupied space, you must tattle with one person of your choosing on that space.

Tattling: Briefly talk to another player, then secretly choose one of your player cards. Reveal simultaneously. If you…

Pick yourself:

  • And they pick you, both lose one gossip tokens.
  • And they pick themselves, you lose one gossip tokens.
  • And They pick someone else, you gain one gossip tokens.

Pick them:

  • And they pick you, they lose one gossip tokens.
  • And they pick themselves, you both gain one gossip tokens.
  • And they pick someone else, they gain one gossip tokens.

Pick someone else:

  • And they pick you, they gain one gossip tokens.
  • And they pick themselves, you gain one gossip tokens.
  • And they pick someone else, if there is a match that player gains two gossip tokens, otherwise, nothing happens.

The game ends when any player has five or more gossip tokens, they lose.

Example Tattles

  • Ate all of the town’s cheese.
  • Crashed their tractor into a scarecrow.
  • Had an affair with a goat.
  • Etc…

List of Characters

  • Actor Ash
  • Detective Dove
  • Lord Lemon
  • Optometrist Orange
  • Professor Park
  • Rigger Ruby
  • Teller Teal
  • Vicar Violet

Crib Sheets


          |  You  | Them  | Other
    You   | -1\-1 | -1\ 0 | +1\ 0
Y   ------+-------+-------+-------
o   Them  | 0 \-1 | +1\+1 | 0 \+1
u   ------+-------+-------+-------
    Other | 0 \+1 | +1\ 0 |   *

* If there is a match that player gets +2, otherwise nothing happens.

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